Monday, May 10, 2010

Photo of the Day- Presents

I just might be the luckiest mom ever. I have the sweetest, most wonderful kids and they were excited to show me how much they love me on mothers day, yesterday. I was forbidden to look in Robbie's bottom drawer these last couple of weeks because that is where they had been collecting all of the treasures and cards that they had been making me for my mothers day gift. It was so cute to come down mothers day morning, after have my cute kids rush into my bedroom all smiles and hugs, to a pile full of handmade presents. Presents wrapped in towels and cards made from napkins. Here are a few of the wonderful treasures that I received. Robbie was even so sweet as to secretly have Benjamin color a picture for me. Robbie painted a beautiful picture of me at school and Lauren made me a frame. I love my kids SO much!

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